
每个自动广告的广告组下面都会有4个默认商品投放设置, 都可以单独设置状态和BID出价.不单独设置BID 会继承广告组的BID出价

亚马逊广告系统里, 是4个特殊的商品投放对象.

Close-match 紧密匹配

英文描述: your ads will be shown to shoppers who use search terms closely related to your products
search terms 报告里大部分是 keyword, 也会存在ASIN

Loose-match 宽泛匹配

英文描述: your ads will be to shown to shoppers who use search terms loosely related to your products
search terms 报告里大部分是 keyword, 也会存在ASIN

Substitutes 同类商品

英文描述: your ads will be shown on detail pages of the substitutable products
search terms 报告里是ASIN

Complements 关联商品

英文描述: your ads will be shown on detail pages of products that complement your product
search terms 报告里是ASIN
